Tico school, by Jodi
I don't think I will ever complain about anything in the U.S. school administration again. Not after experiencing Tico school. The great thing about it is that everything is completely laid back. No one marks you tardy. No one even scolds the kids if they're tardy. I accidentally dropped Autumn and Jack off half an hour late yesterday and Jack didn't even realize he was late. Autumn only realized it because she actually pays attention to the fact that everyone was in their desks working on classwork when she walked in. The down side of that is the crazy scattered organization. Maybe because I'm not used to it, I don't see their system as organized. But, it is crazy to say the least. Two of my kids go in the morning and two go in the afternoon. Then, the following week it switches. They go from 7-12:10 or 12:30-5:40 on Mon through Wed and then on Thurs and Fri it's 7-11:30 and 12-4:30. Unless it's not. Tessa goes for 3 hours in either of those blocks of tim...