How it all started...

It all started at my family's reunion in August. I had been trying to convince Kevin to make a move somewhere really inexpensive since he worked from home and we could live anywhere. I was pushing for Texas since that's where I was raised and homes there are so economical. Kevin vetoed that one and voted for a low cost option near an ocean. So, we were considering North or South Carolina. But, at the reunion, my brother said, "well, if you're looking for a cool place by the ocean that's really affordable, why don't you try Costa Rica?" He'd been there a couple of times and absolutely loved it. Of course, I immediately latched onto the idea because I love change and I love having a new, exciting project to completely consume myself with. And amazingly...Kevin finally liked one of my crazy ideas.
Earlier this year, I'd tried to convince him that we should have another baby since our youngest was turning 5 that year and was going to leave me for Kindergarten soon. He tried to go along with that idea, but ended up getting cold feet and bailing on me.
So then I decided it was time to finally get my master's degree. I threw myself into researching all the options in the degree I'm interested in and even applied to Argosy's program and was supposed to start the end of August. But after running all the numbers and realizing how much more expensive it would be to get my degree at Argosy instead of BYU, I decided to just wait until Tessa's in school full time so I could go to BYU.
So, this new idea finally captured Kevin's attention as much as mine, if not more. We came home from the reunion, talked to our realtor and had our home fixed up, staged and listed a month later. And crazy enough, we got a full price offer on our first walk through and were under contract almost a month to the day after this crazy idea entered our minds.
Now, we're researching all the documentation we need to obtain visas, figuring out what kind of VoIP phone line we're going to use, deciding what flights and airlines are going to be our best option, and trying to sell all our furniture. Kevin has two, week long business trips this month and is going to be gone the week before we close as well as the week before we actually fly to Costa Rica. He'll fly back just in time to turn around and catch a red-eye, 3 stop, 4 different planes trip to Liberia, Guanacaste with me and our four cute munchkins who will not be so cute waking up repeatedly in the middle of the night to swap flights 3 times.


  1. Hey silly girl! I found your blog, yippie! So glad to be able to follow you guys on your amazing adventure. PURA VIDA, woohoo!

  2. Jodi! I love this!! Aaron and I think you two are awesome for doing this! We would follow you in a heartbeat if Aaron's job allowed. I know this is going to be hard and you'll probably ask yourself, "What were we thinking?" but I think there is so much value in this for your kids. Hang in there the next few weeks as you make the adjustments. Remember, the things kids protest the most (brushing teeth, eating vegetables, going to bed on time, doing homework, etc.) are usually signs of you being a good parent :) We so look forward to following you on this adventure. So glad you started a blog.


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