An American Weekend, by Jodi

We ran out of peanut butter a couple of weekends ago and I was complaining, so Kevin said, "want to go to San Jose?" And of course I was like, "yeah!" because I thought he was joking. An hour later we were in our car, heading on the 4 hour trip to Costco and a night at the Marriott with Kevin's reward points. 

The kids loved having carpet again. Before we left, Kevin was headed out the door and looked back and Autumn was just standing still in the middle of the room. Kevin asked her what she was doing and she said she was enjoying the feel of carpet under her feet for one final minute.

We made it home with peanut butter and an A/C unit for our main level...and a few other things. The A/C unit is definitely my favorite. I cannot survive here like all the Ticos without air conditioning.

The kids felt like they were in a mini U.S. in the middle of Costa Rica. All the American stores we're used to--Costco, Walmart, Payless. All the restaurants: Applebees, Outback...Hooters. :) I made a comment about how it would be so nice having all the U.S. conveniences so close if we lived there and Autumn said "mom, if you want to live where it feels like the U.S., why don't we just live in the U.S.?" Smarty pants Autumn.

 Trying to get on the road. 

 Kevin needed his fast food fix as soon as we got near Burger King. We tried every flavor of ice cream: they had pineapple, mango, lime, vanilla in chocolate cones, and a piece of chocolate pie. Chocolate pie won.

 Kevin likes bridges and makes me take a picture every time we cross one.

Carpet! And a really big palm tree.

Applebees: Autumn's heaven

 Fashion show with new shoes from Payless. Kevin went in unsupervised with the girls and they all came out with high heels. Autumns heels are a good 4 inches high.

 McDonalds for breakfast
Autumn said the food tasted fake. I felt like I'd finally succeeded as the one parent in this marriage who does not have a fast food addiction.

 Walmart... with an inclined escalator ramp.

 I don't know who's kids those are skateboarding down the isles.

 Wall full of soccer balls. Welcome to Latin America.

Kevin found Kinder eggs at the check out. 

 The view from the exit at Walmart.

 Crammed in with all our Costco and Walmart purchases. Jack's a little squished in the back. He kept getting really mad when we'd turn and stuff would fall on him.

 Monteverde Restaurant and Mega Fauna Park. I waited at the table for the food while Kevin and the kids did what they thought was going to be a quick little hike. 45 minutes later they got back, dripping in sweat. Everyone but Autumn thought it was fun. She liked it for about the first 15 minutes and then it got way too hot.

 The sunset on the drive home.


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