Costa Rica World Cup, by Kevin

Just a quick entry to note that we were here during the 2014 World Cup. Costa Rica made it further than it ever has in its history, and the Ticos were out of their minds happy about it. The whole country shut down anytime there was a game. Everyone was driving around with flags hanging out their windows or pinned to the hood of their cars. We became real familiar with, and starting singing too, the song: "Oooooo-way-ooo-way-ooo-way-ooo-waaaay-Ticos, Ticos! Jack saw his janitor rip off his shirt and start swinging it around his head. At church, in the streets, in stores, it's all anyone talked about. When the National team (La Sele) arrived home they were greeted as National heros -- all non-essential govt. employees had the day off and entire streets were closed for the parades and partying. The kids starting collecting stickers for all the players on all the teams. We would watch every game as a family. At one point, after a bout of whooping and yelling by Jodi and I, Jack and Autumn laughed at us and told us they'd had no idea how into soccer we were. It was really fun to be a part of it all.

We didn't take many pictures of the fans, wish we had, but we'd always stalk up on treats to watch the games, I do have a couple pictures of that:



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