Educarte Graduation, by Kevin

In June, the kids graduated from Educarte, the private school we enrolled them in after pulling them from Villareal public school. The school was good and the kids enjoyed it, for the most part. It cost around $1,000/month and the education was pretty equivalent to a free, public school in the U.S. That, combined with Sadie and Tessa's refusal to go back, convinced us to try our hand at home school again. 

Here are pics of the graduation:

Tessa's Graduation Day
It was so hot and, after sitting in the heat listening to boring speaker after boring speaker, one of the main school administrators decided she needed to get a few words in. She was the best and most charismatic speaker of all the others but we were so done that it was just painful. I guess we didn't hide our emotions very well b/c Tessa asked us on the way home why we were so mad at the last lady that talked. I guess we were stabbing her with our eyes. Oops. :)


 Autumn watching the program

Sadie watching the program

Tessa and Jodi watching the program

Jack "watching" the program

My arm covered in sweat. Gross but evidence of how stinking hot it was. 


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