Lice, the devil's spawn, by Jodi

Oh, I completely forgot to write about the worst 3 weeks of mine and Sadie's lives. We still haven't figured out where she got them since we home school and spend most of our time as a family or with the Greene's, but Sadie got lice. It wasn't too big of a deal the first week as we spent a few hours each day washing it and combing it and picking out each one. In fact, it was over Conference weekend, so it gave me something to do during the talks, which I actually kind of enjoyed. I thought I'd gotten rid of it, but a few days after we were done, she started itching again and sure enough, they were all back. The next week and half about killed us. We tried every remedy everyone told us...various lice shampoos, soaking her hair in olive oil all night, then mayonnaise all night, then coconut oil all night for multiple nights, blow drying and flat ironing it to try and burn them, washing her hair with laundry detergent, using essential oils, and finally, taking a pill that I'm pretty sure was an oral pesticide. We held off on the pill for as long as I could stand it, but in the end, it was that or shoot myself in the face.


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