Today, by Jodi

I haven't been very good about blogging, especially about anything beyond commenting on pictures. So here's a little snippet from our day.

Each day, I spend 30 minutes to an hour reading with each of the kids out of a grade based curriculum book. Everybody but Tessa takes turns reading every other paragraph. Today, Sadie decided we needed to sing all of our reading. So, we spent 30 minutes singing about the digestive system and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek who invented the microscope.

Tessa decided I needed to be handcuffed during her reading time. So, she wrapped my hands in stretchy head bands and hair ties, which made it really hard to hold my phone and turn pages, but she didn't care.

Jack doesn't sit still very well during his reading. He prefers to run laps and climb the walls (literally) during my turns to read. Luckily, his brain works at warp speed so anytime I quiz him to make sure he's listening, he hasn't missed anything.

Autumn hates our reading time because we're still in the history section of her book and she thinks history is the most boring subject in the world. Unfortunately, I've totally turned into my mom and I think history is by far the most interesting subject and I get mad at her when she reads without me. Sometimes she wakes up and just wants to get it over with, so she does her reading before she even gets out of bed and then I have to read to catch up because I don't remember learning about the majority of the stuff in her book.

We're having very mixed feelings about our Costa Rica time coming to a close. We fly home 6 weeks from Saturday. Autumn is super excited about having all the modern conveniences back and stores like Walmart and Costco nearby, as well as not having the electricity go out or having to take short showers so we don't run out of water. Tessa is super excited to be back where everyone speaks English. She has definitely not caught on to our whole vision of becoming a bilingual family. Sadie and Jack are I are very excited to see family and friends again. But, we really love the beach and the wildlife and the lazy pace of this place.

But, I'm also super excited to start on our next phase of life and get ready for our next Spain! 

And I will definitely not miss our Galloper--which is back in the shop, by the way.


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