Happy Thanksgiving! by Jodi

We got up this morning and the kids had started on their school work and Kevin decided to tell them they didn't have to do school today since it's Thanksgiving. Now, mind you, yesterday was the first real day of school the kids have done in the month since we got here. But, Kevin, being the softy he always is, let them have today off anyways. Stinker.

So, we got up and going for the day, got our swimsuits on--because that's what you do on Thanksgiving, right?...and set off for the beach. However, when we got in our car, we realized our gas tank was on empty. In Costa Rica, there aren't nearly as many cars as in the U.S. So, gas stations are a little hard to come by. We realized there were no gas stations on the way to the beach we were heading to, so we had to head 25 minutes in the opposite direction to the nearest gas station, 3 towns over. :) Kevin dropped the kids and I off at a restaurant on the way to order some food while he went and grabbed the gas. Then he met us right as the food came out, we ate an early lunch (which the kids were super excited about because instead of rice and beans, they got to have pancakes), and headed to Las Catalinas.

Las Catalinas is a resort on Playa Danta, about 10 minutes north of our house. It's a beautiful drive along the coast and one that I've taken to bike riding this week since we're also getting to babysit a couple of mountain bikes for the couple we're subletting from. The beach is gorgeous and there are big hammocks and swings hanging from the trees and even a playground made out of what looks like tree branches.

There's also a rental place on the resort where we were able to get paddle boards and kayaks. The Johnsons were there with us and the kids had a great time playing on the beach and in the water. A few of the kids saw dolphins out on the kayaks and Jack said he saw a manta ray while he was snorkeling. There was some kind of invisible stinging algae in the water that got all of us a few times. And we had a few rough crashes in the kayaks when we'd try to paddle them in and a wave would turn us sideways and then flip us. But, other than that, it was an absolutely amazing afternoon.

 Sadie takes water safety very seriously.
Hence, the life jacket, floaties, and a kick board to go out snorkeling.

Shel and Trent met up with us around 3:30 after spending the day taking surfing lessons. So, the kids got to play in the waves with them for a while before we had our Thanksgiving dinner, outside, on the beach at the resort. I thought the food was really good and was not even a little bit sad about not having to cook any of it. I did, however, miss me some pecan pie. 

 The kids using their napkins to try and look like Pilgrims. Jack decided he wanted to be a robber instead of a pilgrim. Tessa just wants to eat.

There was a live band playing and the kids got up and danced in front of everybody. Jack and Tegan decided to dance together so they wouldn't have to dance with any of the girls. But Jaylee and Sadie decided to manhandle them into dancing with them. Jack managed to wriggle his way out of Jaylee's grip, but I looked over and Sadie had Tegan in a headlock and wasn't letting go until he danced with her. I can just see her now at stake dances.

By about 6:30, we were all yawning and feeling like it was time for bed until Trent looked at his watch and told us how early it really was. Sad.

I still can't believe we live here.


  1. THE most memorable Thanksgiving we will probably EVER have! It was perfect to share it together with you!


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