Undiscovered, by Kevin

After waking up around 6am, I grabbed Sadie and Jacko to go jogging on Playa Flamingo. Such an amazing feeling to run next to the sound and through the mist created by crashing waves. I think this was the first time I've done that. The beach was nearly empty and the development surrounding everything here feels understated. The thought occurred to me while running that Costa Rica simply feels undiscovered. I love that.

Of course, that also means many of the conveniences of home are non-existent. For example, it would be nice to know where to buy a simple box of matches. I'm sure they're right under my nose in one of the stores around, not that there are many, but they have to be somewhere, right? I even asked for them at the biggest market in the area (which is smaller than a 7-Eleven) this afternoon, or rather asked for "the things that make fire" -- yes, I felt like an idiot but I didn't know how to say "matches" and I really wanted to find them -- but they only had a $6 box of these big, white, square things. Besides only having six of the white squares in the box, I don't know how to use them so I passed. I asked a second worker if she had "smaller of these things" -- the word "coisas" ("things") is quickly becoming a crutch for me -- while showing her the box but she said no, she had only those. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find them sooner or later. I refuse to buy one of those long-nose lighters for $10.

After spending over half the day working, I went to a local real estate company that I'd reached out to yesterday evening. They told me finding a long-term rental this time of year is really, really difficult and they have virtually nothing to offer us. From my online searches, they seemed like the biggest local agency so that was a bit depressing to hear. However, I scoured the internet again this afternoon, after failing to find matches, and found a bunch of places that might work in surrounding areas. I sent out probably 30 or 40 inquiries to property owners with their homes listed on any site I could find. We'll see if that results in anything by mid-day tomorrow. We may end up needing to rent a place until mid-January and then find something after the holidays have passed.

We ended the day by visiting Playa Flamingo and eating dinner at a little resort restaurant right on the beach. The kids played in the sand for 30 minutes or so while we waited for them to open up for the night. Jodi and I are loving how well the kids are getting along with each other. They seem to already be starting to bond more closely. 

Here are a few pics from my run this morning (Sadie and Jack thought playing in the sand sounded a lot more fun than running so they ditched me part way into the run):

Loving this undiscovered country. Good night.


  1. Matches translates to cerillos (se-ri-yos) don't know if that helps ; ) man that beach looks so calm and relaxing, alright we are coming see you soon, haha!


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