The Voyage Here, by Kevin

We're here! Safe and sound? Safe, yes. Sound of mind? Well... maybe after a good night's sleep, some dinner, hot water in our house (water heater was off), and well-rested kids. Getting our three lost bags back would be nice too. :)

I'll let you know tomorrow. Hah! The adventure begins.


Quick update: The day ended on a high note. Really warm greeting from members of the branch (the Johnson's, Blanchard's, Pinas, and Victor). We were invited to dinner by the Johnson's and arrived to a full house of happy, warm, welcoming people.

We're so very, very tired and are crashing early.

Here are a few pics:
Leaving SLC

Shuttle in NYC
(not real pleasant in the middle of the night)

 Leaving NYC

Leaving Atlanta

Getting close!

So very close...

Then, customs. Bleh.

So many bags! But I'm strong. :)

Result of my "strong-ness"

First View of the Beach!

Following Jodi, Autumn, and all our bags. Driver is passing on a double-yellow, around a bend. I'm hoping Jodi and Autumn survive the drive to our rental house.

One more pic of the beach before my phone dies. "Phooey" (as Mom would say).

More to come soon!


  1. Sooooo cool! Glad you all made it there and in one piece. Your rental home looks awesome and the pool looks amazing!! How nice of some ward members to meet and greet you- makes it feel more like home. Keep posting- I'm checking this bad boy daily!!! Miss and love you guys!


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