Feeling Much Better, by Kevin

Today was a good day. Last night was rough. I was so very tired and so many things didn't turn out as expected; I was pretty discouraged. Amazing what a good night's sleep and prayers/good thoughts on your behalf will do for you.

We started the day by exploring the beach-- I posted pictures of that little trip earlier today.

We then explored the local mini-supermarket and spent almost $100 on four bags of groceries and some dog food. Oops. We're still learning. 

We need to find another place to buy dog food ($15), shampoo ($7 for small container), conditioner ($7 for small container), apples ($1/each), pears ($1/each), oranges ($1/each), cheese ($4 for a small bag), and lunch meat ($3 for a small bag). But, the weird, hairy, purple fruit Jodi found was really good. :)

We spent some more time mid-day at the beach. Autumn, Jacko, and Tessa loved it. Sadie loved it too but doesn't know it yet. She's still real nervous about the water and spent her time on the sand. I'm sure that will change with time.

Our three lost bags were returned to us today, hurray! We now have everything that was supposed to come with us, and nothing seems broken!

We ended the day with dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant. The pizza reminded us of Italy, it seemed real authentic. The nutella and gelato were a great way to finish the night.

 Today was a good day.


  1. I can't believe you guys are there! It looks so wonderful! How awesome of the ward members to be there AT THE AIRPORT, with signs & hugs & smiles for your family - amazing! Keep the blog & pix coming, we LOVE it!!! We really miss you already! Love ya!

  2. THANK YOU for ALL this information, pictures, feelings and insights... You've gone From zero to one hundred and back in the last couple of months in all those above listed categories! Prayers answered, heavenly eyes and hands carefully guiding and directing you, safety provided, warmth and love sending you and receiving you, your adventure has certainly begun in a most wonderful way... In spite of momentary "O" factors. We love you, we miss you, we're happy for you, we LOVE this blog!!! Have a GREAT day... BIG HUGS to everyone!

  3. Ok guys. You are a short 24 km from where we vacationed. We stayed in Playa Grande, literally a stones throw from you guys. There is an animal sanctuary/zoo you will have to take the kids to. It was so fun and where we coined "In Costa Rica, you can do whatever you want to do" We bought a bunch of bananas and fed the animals through the cages. It was awesome. I am forwarding your blog to our family. I am sure you are all getting acclamated there but my son-in-law Taylor served his mission there. He may have some pointers on what to cook, and local culture type stuff. I remember that the food and other items were more expensive there but the Coca-Cola was to die for. They don't use corn syrup in it. Its all pure cane sugar and it was pretty dang cheap with the return bottles. Although we were there just over a week, I have to tell you, I miss it so much. The people were so friendly and kind, and the beaches were awesome. We will definately need to pay you a visit even if that means camping in your back yard!!! Take care you guys and our thoughts and prayers are with you!!!


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