Work Day, by Kevin

While Jodi and the kids hit a nearby beach, I put in my first full workday today. It was really nice to verify that working from here is going to be a non-issue. It was also the first time Jodi had gone out on her own. Jodi, as directionally-challenged as she sometimes is, went the wrong way and ended up at a different beach than she intended. But they had a ton of fun anyway and made it back happy and smiling.

I also put in a couple hours later in the afternoon and tonight looking for our more permanent home. It was encouraging to find several homes that would fit our needs. Lots of emails sent tonight to possible homes. Now just to find the perfect one.

Jack saw a two-foot lizard by our pool this afternoon and Jodi found a small lizard in Jack's room. The kids all seem to be doing so great with the transition. They're also playing really well with each other. Most of the time, anyway.

The restaurant we went to tonight in Potrero had amazing, amazing food. Jodi loved the nachos and I loved the rice and chicken fajitas with plantains. The kid's quesadilla was also really good and they loved the steak fries. The restaurant was more of a bar than a full-on restaurant, I suppose. It was completely open on three sides (the other side was the bar and kitchen) and the kids had a lot of fun taking turns laying in the hammock and running around all over the restaurant. Fun night.


  1. Jodi, you and your clone look almost exactly the same... ha ha ha!!! I love Autumns smile here! Two foot lizard sounds like it's bordering on dino length... yikes!! So glad work is not going to be a frustration... we are loving these posts and pictures and 'seeing' you in your new element. We send lots of love and hugs to you adventuresome little family!! xoxo


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