The Volcano... or not, by Kevin

We had to return our rental car on Saturday, right by the airport in Liberia (about an hour away). While up there, we went to lunch (and loved it!), took a quick stroll through a park with really cool yellow benches and a big white church, and then left Liberia to go see a volcano (Rincon de la Vieja). 

We drove several miles up to a gate that supposedly leads up to the volcano. The man at the gate told us the park closes at 3pm, it was after 4pm. Bleh. So, we were able to see the bottom of the volcano (there were clouds all over the top of the mountain) and also some really cool trees. :)

Drive to Liberia

 Lunch in Liberia

 Cool Park in Liberia

This is a typical main part of a town, see what I'm saying about it feeling a bit like the Wild West?

Drive to the Volcano (I think we made it all the way to the green area on the map before being turned away. Doh!)

Tell me this tree isn't the coolest

The volcano (well, the base of it, anyway -- off in the distance, we'll get closer next time!)


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