Wild Animals, by Jack

Yesterday I went kayaking and paddle boarding with our cousins and friends in the ocean. We (by we I mean me some my friends, I was on a paddle and my friends and there mom were on a double kayak) made an attempted to travel to an island. We got about 75% there and then my friends mom said she thought she saw a fish jump out of the water (I believed here mainly because I had seen a group of fish jump out of the water but then she saw a fin and then WE started to see started to see more fins and then dolphins WHOLE DOLPHINS started jumping out of the water and got really close to us and started heading toward a beach and they got really close to a different beach and then disappeared and we didn't see them again. But later at I saw a sting ray I though it was a piece of garbage because a little bit earlier but when my friend told me that one of the 5th grade teachers got stung by a sting ray that looked the same I knew it was a sting ray.


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